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WEBSITE, COOKIE Policy & User Guidelines (Spanish LSSI regulation)


PRELIMINARYthis English text is a translation of the Spanish language original version – as PHIAS is a Spanish registered company. Therefore this document is merely for information purposes – the legally valid document is the Spanish one, which can be requested emailing us at

PETER HEMELAER INTERNATIONAL AGENCY SERVICES, S.L. (PHIAS), responsible for this website and hereafter called RESPONSIBLE, publishes this document for the users of the website thus complying to the obligations listed in Spanish Law 34/2002, from July 11thabout the Information Technology Services and Electronic Commerce to the People (Spanish LSSICE), BOE N º 166, and in that respect inform users of the website of its user and cookie policy and guideline.

Each person accessing this website does so in the role of User, thereby obliging to follow and obey strictly to the rules as laid out in this document, as well as to any other legal requirement to be applicable.

PETER HEMELAER INTERNATIONAL AGENCY SERVICES, S.L. (PHIAS) reserves all rights to modify any information that could appear on the website, without any obligation to pre-advice or inform of such change any User, being sufficient the fact that the new information is published in PETER HEMELAER INTERNATIONAL AGENCY SERVICES, S.L. (PHIAS)’s website.



Website and domain:
Trading or Commercial Name: PHIAS or PHIAS SL
Registered Address: CALLE TINTOREROS 7 , 10200 TRUJILLO (CACERES)
Phone: +34 927 320 556
Registered in Cáceres-Spain : Registro (Mercantil / Público): Registro Mercantil de Cáceres Tomo 882, Libro 709, Folio 113, Hoja CC-12436, Inscripcion 2.



This website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and all other elements and systems needed for its functioning, the design, logos, texts and/or graphics, are all property of responsible or, in such case, disposes of the necessary licenses or express authorisation of the creators. All website content is legally protected by current regulations on intellectual and industrial property, has been registered in the appropriate public registers.

Independent of the final usage to which they would be destined, partial or total reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution or commercialization is prohibited and would need in any case written approval by Responsible. Any usage as described before without such written approval will be considered a severe breach of intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

The design, logos, texts and graphics that do not belong to Responsible and are shown on this website, are property of their respective owners, and only they are responsible for any controversy that could arise from them.

Responsible needs to authorize explicitly in writing third parties waning to redirect to the contents of this website, and in any case redirect to the homepage of

Responsible acknowledges to the creators all legal intellectual and industrial property rights, without implication or obligation to any mention, appearance or reference to the existence of such rights on the site, neither any patronizing, recommendation nor backing of them by Responsible.

Any observation of possible breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights as well as any comment on the content of this site can be communicated by email to



Responsible is exempt of responsibility of any type derived from information published on this website in case such information has been introduced or manipulated by an outside third party.



This website can use technical cookies (small files that the server sends to the visitor of the webpage) that contain functionalities that are deemed necessary for the correct functioning and visualization of the site. These cookies are in any case temporarily and their only goal is to optimize the navigation. They will disappear after the User terminates his sesión. These cookies do not collect nor distribute any personal data.

By using cookies the server can also have the capability of recognition of the User’s browser, with the goal of more comfortable browsing, like e.g. providing an easier access for those users that previously registered to areas, services, promotions or competitions without having to repeat such process in each visit.

Cookies can also be used to measure audience, traffic parameters, control and follow up of registrars and usage etc, where in such case they can be considered technically unnecessary but beneficially to the User. This website does not install unnecessary cookies without previous User consent.

The User has the possibility to configure his browser to be notified of installation of cookies, and to prohibit the installation of such on his system. Please consult the user instructions of the browser on your system to do so.


Website linking policy

It is possible that from the website you are redirected to contents on other third party websites. Responsible cannot control content introduced and showing on other parties’ websites, and therefore rejects any responsibility for such content. In any case will Responsible proceed to the immediate removal of the redirecting link to any content that could be against national or international law, morality or public order, and moreover will inform the competent authorities of such content.

Responsible will not held responsible for any content published in but not limited to forums, chats, blog generators, blogs, comments, social networks or any other media that allows third parties to publish content in an independent manner on Responsible’s website.

However and complying to what’s stipulated in articles 11 and 16 of Spanish LSSICE legislation, such content will be put at disposal of all Users, Public authorities and Security Forces, in such way collaborating actively in the removal or, when needed, blocking of such contents that could affect or be contrary to national or international law, the rights of others or morality and public order.

Whenever the User considers that any website content is published that is susceptible to this classification, User is asked to immediately inform the website administrator.

This website has been checked and tested on its correct performance and functioning. Under normal circumstances Responsible guarantees the correct working of the site 365 days per year, 24 hours a day. However Responsible informs that causes like force majeure, natural catastrophe, strike or similar evens outside his control can impede access to the website.


IP Addresses

The servers of the website could automatically detect the IP address as well as the domain name used by User. An IP address is a number that is automatically designated to a computer, tablet or smartphone included but not limited to, when connected to the internet. This information is stored in a file on the legally registered User’s server and allows post processing of statistical data like number of viewed pages, number of visits to webservers, the order of visits, access point etc.



For resolution of any controversy or questions related to the present website or the activities developed on it, only Spanish Law will be of application, to which the parties will be submitted explicitly. Only the Courts of or nearest to TRUJILLO (Cáceres – Spain) will be competent to resolve any conflicts.